Location: Cairo, Egypt, & Ethopia
The Evangelical Good Samaritan Society (EGSS) is a charity organization based and officially registered under the Ministry of Social Affairs in Cairo, Egypt in 1992. Our vision is to proclaim the love of Christ in practical ways and present his sacrificial life so that we can be a source of care and support for needy children.Our mission is to restore the lives of orphans by sharing the message of the transforming power of Christ's love by word and action.
Currently, 40 people are working full time at the EGSS building which contains:
•An Orphanage that accommodate 70 children.
•A Day Care Center with the capacity to host 200 children.
•A Conference Center that accommodate 100 adults.
•A Meeting and conference Hall for 500 people.
The Mission Society
Account #326 Bassaly
P.O. Box 922367
Norcross, GA 30010